Monday, January 1, 2007

Language, Thought and Art

Language is a very important underlying factor for human civilization. Human thought is governed by language. If we think of something, we will be using language for that. I wonder how a pre-historic man used to think without any language.

If we want to understand the very meaning of life and death, I think it is not possible with the current way of thinking using some language. We have drawn a boundary around us which is language in other words we will be thinking using already existing theories or philosophies.

There are many things I think about the human existence, life and death. I can feel them while I think. But I couldn't tell them. It is because we do not have required language to express them. What I feel is , if we want to take the human thought process to the next level, humans should learn to think beyond the boundaries of language. May be we should bring in that pre-historic thinking.

This is the reason for the greatness of art. It has no language. Imagination is the only limitation. We feel an art. No language can limit the expression of art. I hope scientists , linguists or philosophers (or myself) will do something in these lines.


renuka varanasi said...

hi.. congrates on ur first post!! its really a nice one. u have given a very good start. i expect more from u in future also..

Unknown said...

that was the gravity of the thinking i never gave thought in that aspect.. its just awsome..once i thought there are so many languages so we can just invent it and speak...

Uday said...

Wonderful food for the brain :)

Anyways very idiosyncratic way of thinking

but, how can language confine your paths to thinking ????

Murthy Kavali said...

hi priyank..thats an excellent work showing the emphasis of language with an elegant use of language..waiting for another good one....

Hash said...

i see the idea behind your blog...Did you ever consider the underlying essence of some philosopohical book by people like Socrates? If you did, you would rethink about the article...As I see it, thoughts are purely controlled by ones awareness and experiences. If you are not able to think, its not just creativity but your knowledge and experience. Bottomline: I dont think language is a problem for our thoughts, its rather our experiences and mindsets.

Anonymous said...

what shit !!!!! ..dude u at stan ..there are like a ton of good things to do ..

bottomline: stop ur non sense !!

Unknown said...


Thanks for your valuable comment hari. I will try to answer your issue in my next post

sarma said...

hi priyank..dis is sarma hope u got me...gud to noe dat u at stanforsd....kewl dude...u rock as usual......nice blog

Anonymous said...

GOLDEN WORDS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA When there is a conflict between the heart and the brain, let the heart be followed.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Naga Phani Aetukuri said...

I agree to a certain extent in saying that we think in a language native to us. And I agree that art is superior to language in its ability to capture the totality of an event, thought or condition. But is it true that we think in our native language when we are creative or innovative? Is it true of experiences that get so close to your heart?

Many a times, I fall short of words when I try to express what I think and I wished I had an art to express that which is inexplicable. So, I doubt if we think in our language especially because we often fall short of words to express our thoughts. Did you ever attend to your thoughts when you are experiencing, say a wonderful morning in woods, Sunset over the infinite waters of an Ocean? Did you attend to its language? You will realize those are not bound by language, those are not bound by culture, they transcend all other barriers or distinctions that we can think.

Then your mental plane is above language and art.

Nonetheless, it is a good essay on language, thought and art and I wish you continue to write some more philosophically riveting essays.

Best wishes,