Thursday, June 7, 2007

Friday, June 1, 2007


People use the word coincidence very easily with a smile. I get scared whenever I hear the word coincidence. Sometimes I get shivers through my spine.

It takes lots of independent threads to happen sequentially leading to an intersection point called coincidence. Even a single insignificant event in all these threads can break this sequence, yet they fail to fail. They look so very well planned and executed to perfection.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Language, Thought and Art

Language is a very important underlying factor for human civilization. Human thought is governed by language. If we think of something, we will be using language for that. I wonder how a pre-historic man used to think without any language.

If we want to understand the very meaning of life and death, I think it is not possible with the current way of thinking using some language. We have drawn a boundary around us which is language in other words we will be thinking using already existing theories or philosophies.

There are many things I think about the human existence, life and death. I can feel them while I think. But I couldn't tell them. It is because we do not have required language to express them. What I feel is , if we want to take the human thought process to the next level, humans should learn to think beyond the boundaries of language. May be we should bring in that pre-historic thinking.

This is the reason for the greatness of art. It has no language. Imagination is the only limitation. We feel an art. No language can limit the expression of art. I hope scientists , linguists or philosophers (or myself) will do something in these lines.